Internet help


Mailing list for navigators.
Type: subscribe navigate (your name)
The Infinite List
A long list of mailing lists.
Type: list global
Volunteer America
Vista online newsletter.
Type: sub Vista-L (your name)
Web Word
Web sites, news, how-tos.
Type: intro (your address) (your name)


AARNet User Guide
An Internet guide for the Australian network. Some good general info.
Academic Freedom
Includes ACLU, Academic freedom archives, general activism for civil rights.
Apple Computer, Inc.
Site for official Mac software, including System 7.01 and earlier.
Clip Art & Fonts
Find your creative self with these fun Mac freeware and shareware yummies.
E-mail Help
An older document to help new users master skills of e-mail (or learn what it is).
HelpNet Archives
This site contains lists of even more guides for new Internet users...just in case.
History of the PC
Newsletters debating the philosophy and history of personal computers.
Hitchhiker's Guide
Infamous Internet guide with valuable how-to tips and other resources.
Everything -- but only usable on weekends and evenings, and busy even then.
Help with BBSs, CompuServe, and general Internet, by author Wally Grotophorst.
Internet Books
More Internet information than you could ever possibly use. Updated regularly.
Internet Companion
Everything you need to know about the Internet -- nothing left out here.
Internet Goodies
Mosaic files for Mac, Windows or XWindow can be found here ... FREE!!!
Introductions to the Internet in HEBREW
This is super cool if you know Hebrew.
IRC Help
Information on IRC programming and everything else you might need for chat fun.
Learn Gopher
Use this guide to learn how to navigate through Gopherspace. Zooooom!
Use this if INFOMAC is busy. It's got almost the exact same stuff.
More Internet Info
Just in case the Internet Companion missed something ...
More MAC files
A small collection of files; good when you get a busy signal somewhere else.
Stuff every neophyte would and should want to know about drifting in cyberspace.
New Internet User Questions
If you're new, this is a great resource for "silly" questions.
Learn how to set up SLIP and PPP connections. For advanced users.
There's Gold in Them Thar Networks
What a great title for info on how to capitalize online.
Usenet Archive
A repository of newsgroup FAQs and information. Good searching reference.
Web Guide
Yet another guide providing information on Web browsing and building.


ACM, since 1947
The Association for Computer Machinery: interesting history and debates.
ADA Gopher
Valuable Information on ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act).
Browsing the Internet
James A. Muir takes you on a step by step tour of the online world.
Digital Future
Internet newsletter focusing on Internet marketing and commerce.
E-mail Help
Learn how to navigate through the Internet using your e-mail account. Wow.
EFF Gopher
Includes ACLU and Computers and Academic freedom archives, and information on civil rights activism.
FAQ Internet
Frequently asked questions about Internet resources and guides.
Fidonet Guide
Not many people even know what fidonet is anymore, but you can learn with this.
Internet Connections
Mary Engel's guide to dial-up access for librarians.
Intro to the Internet
Just the basics: A good primer covering all aspects of the Internet.
Italian Internet Guides
For a little bit of an international perspective. Written in Italian.
Kansas Gopher
Comprehensive university Gopher with exceptional links and resources.
Mac Gopher
Libraries, resources, and information on where to get Mac freeware and shareware.
Merit Gopher
The main gopher menu for educational institutions in the state of Michigan.
PC Gopher
Libraries, resources, and information on where to get PC freeware and shareware.
Unofficial Smiley Dictionary
If you haven't figured out that these things are dumb, go here.
Wolverine Archives
Tons and tons o' files -- all free -- in all the popular flavors.


29 ... Again
If you have had your 29th birthday for the tenth time, check out this room.
Channel #30plus
Mac Talk
Chitchat and techtalk for Mac afficionados; lots of solid information.
Channel #macintosh
Make Friends
Visit this room to meet new people with charming chat and smileys galore. :)
Channel #friends
Punk Rock, Grrr
Get together with punkers to argue about who sold out and who didn't.
Channel #punk
Speak in Spanish
Habla con sus amigos del todo el mundo. (If you don't speak it, stay clear.)
Channel #espanol
If you absolutely must learn UNIX, this isn't such a bad place to go for help.
Channel #unix
Warp OS/2
It's usually crowded, and super helpful if you use OS/2.
Channel #os/2
Windy City
Although no one talks much about Chicago here, it's usually busy and worth a peek.
Channel #chicago


Alien Abduction
Stories about alien visits, abductions, and conspiracy theory. Zoooom.
Antique Automobiles
Great information about autos that have been around for 25+ years.
Bill Gates Fan Club
And you thought it wasn't possible. He is powerful and very popular.
Debate MS Windows
Get on your soapbox and profess your love for Microsoft Windows.
Family Trees
Helpful hints, advice, and resource information about researching genealogy.
Female DIY
Read the latest news about female artists on independent record labels. Very cool.
Hip Tech Talk
Zip through cyberspace with others who live and play in a virtual world.
IBM Newsbytes
Get a bite of all the latest in IBM press releases and general news.
Internet BBSs
Info on BBSs accessible via the Internet and some chatter about online services.
Internet Presses
The latest and greatest information on current Internet presses.
It's Miller Time
Discuss the many facets of beer (tastes great or less filling), with users who know.
Mac Newsbytes
And just as there's news for IBM users, Mac and Apple news is readily available.
Mac Programmers
Just as there are serious DOS programmers, there are serious Mac programmers.
MS-DOS Programming
This newsgroup is for the serious MS-DOS user; we tried to warn you.
Multimedia Publishing
Learn about software for multimedia authoring and publishing.
November 22, 1963
Discuss possible conspiracy theories on the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Organic Software
Find out about the latest software designed for biologists.
OS/2 Games
It's more than just a hip operating system; find out about games available for OS/2.
Slippery Spandex
Believe it or not, a discussion group devoted to the wonderful world of Lycra.
Sources for Mac Software
A newsgroup for those seeking Mac software via the Internet.
Tattoo Time
A great site for anyone interested in the pins and needles of tattoos and piercings.
Teen Talk
A forum for students in middle school or high school on issues and hobbies.
Vegetable Rights
Lots of great recipes, cooking instructions, and nutrition inf for vegetarians.

World Wide Web

Argus Guide
Yet another online guide book, with Internet tools and resources.
Beginner's Guide for PC Users
Exactly what it says it is, this was authored by Allison Zhang.
DePresno Guide
The complete text of Odd De Presnos' book, Online World at your fingertips.
E-mail Help
If you would prefer to get e-mail help from the Web instead of FTP or Gopher, here it is.
Electric Frontier Guide
EFF has a guide, too. Actually, this used to be "Big Dummy's Guide."
Introductions to the Internet
By University of Michigan School of Information & Library Studies.
Legal Care for Your Software
Know all the facts about copyright and software reproduction.
Of other way cool Internet help books is put out by Internet expert John December.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center sponsors an Internet guide by Joan Winters.
Surfing the Wild Internet
It's kind of like forging the "wild wild west." Stake your claim. and do it fast.
Web Surfer's Handbook
About net subculture. Not to be confused with "alternative."
Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog
This is the second version written by Ed Krol.
Zen and the Art of the Internet
An older manual but well-written with good, basic stuff.